Car games are a great way to pass by the long hours when you are going on vacation. If you would like a different game to play you might consider the cow game. As far as car games go; it is one of the more time consuming ones. You can play with two people, or this it will also work with larger families. Start by assigning teams and then assign each of those a side of the car; if you have two that is easy. If there are more than two of you then divide the people in the car evenly.

Select a person who will keep score to write down the points each team gets.  He can simply write right and left and tally underneath. You can then decide if you want to play the entire trip or for just a half hour. You can play more than one game if you want, and break them up that way. Now all each team has to do is look for cows. It sounds boring, but it is a really good way to pass the time with car games. Each cow is worth a point, and you can decide to assign higher points for a bull or a white cow. Continue telling the score keeper every time you see a cow. The person with the most cows in the end wins.

It is one of the simpler car games, but it is great fun. You are already looking out the window so you might as well through a game in. This is a great game for kids because they never tire of spotting a cow on the side of the road. You can also look for cats or gas stations to change it a little. Have fun with it. That six hour car ride will feel much shorter.

3/6/2011 08:35:20 am

This is a great running shoe with a very unique feel to it.

12/30/2011 10:10:38 pm

Nice one info, thanks

1/25/2012 04:09:54 pm

will be restored quickly


good post


Thanks for information

3/27/2012 10:25:04 am

good post

7/12/2012 03:27:34 pm

Good info bro


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